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baldbuilders' builds:

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Outbound wins: JourneyTailor

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Rico - the pro

From the bustling hubs of industry leaders in the energy, automotive and telecom industries, as well as the public sector, to the innovative ways of Azure and OpenAI, he has left a trail of technology-driven success stories in his wake. With a talent for crafting, not just coding, he has turned bare ideas into MVPs, prototypes, and groundbreaking PoCs. Doing that for 25 years makes him the Pro at baldbuilders.

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Christian - the noob

Christian isn't just about unraveling the secrets of the world; he's also the designated coding Noob at baldbuilders. With each passing day, he dives headfirst into the boundless sea of technology, embracing every byte-sized adventure like a true digital daredevil and is marketing baldbuilders' builds with what he learns in the SEO and social selling realms.

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Whom we serve

baldbuilders are thrilled to welcome you in our communnity, where we're embarking on an exciting journey through the realm of software services and products.

Co-builders or founders

With a shared commitment to nurturing win-win partnerships, we invite co-builders and founders to join hands, embracing services that empower your vision.

Solo builders

Solo builders, tap into our experience to sidestep pitfalls and ignite inspiration for your own ideas. Let's chart a course for success together.

Idea contributors

You have a vision and no way to put it into reality? Get in touch and explain us what you aim for and we will see how we can collaborate.


For startups developing their own product, our tools support to leverage the full potential . Together, we strengthen your success by automating unpleasant tasks with our tools and providing more punch.


Angels, investors, and family offices: Join us in shaping the future. Our bedrock is strong relationships, ensuring your investments yield lasting value and prosperity.